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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Theaceae | Eurya

Eurya gnaphalocarpa Hayata


Description from Flora of China

Shrubs or small trees. Young branches purplish brown to grayish brown, glabrous; current year branchlets reddish brown, slightly 2-ribbed, sparsely appressed pubescent; terminal buds densely appressed pubescent. Petiole 3-5 mm; leaf blade elliptic to elliptic-lanceolate, 4-7 × 1.5-2 cm, leathery, abaxially yellowish green and appressed pubescent when young but glabrescent, adaxially green, glabrous, and shiny, midvein abaxially elevated and adaxially impressed, secondary veins 6-8 on each side of midvein and slightly visible on both surfaces or abaxially obscure, base cuneate, margin serrate or serrulate except basally entire, apex acuminate to rarely subcaudate and with an obtuse tip. Flowers axillary, solitary or to 3 in a cluster. Pedicel ca. 2 mm, pubescent. Male flowers: bracteoles ovate; sepals ovate to orbicular, 1.5-2 mm, outside pubescent, apex rounded; petals oblong to oblong-lanceolate, ca. 3 mm; stamens 10-15; anthers multi-locellate; pistillode pubescent. Female flowers: bracteoles, sepals, and petals similar to those of male flowers but slightly smaller; ovary globose, densely pubescent, 3-loculed; style ca. 2 mm, apically 3- or 4-parted. Fruit globose, 3-4 mm in diam., sparsely pubescent. Fl. Nov-Dec, fr. Apr-May.

Forests; 2300-3500 m. E Taiwan [Philippines].


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