Elaeagnus tubiflora C. Y. Chang
Description from Flora of China
Shrubs, evergreen, erect. Spines absent; young branches with dense rust-colored scales. Petiole rust-colored, 7-8 mm; leaf blade narrowly elliptic or elliptic, 6-9 × 2-3 cm, thinly leathery or papery, abaxially with dense brown stellate scales, lateral veins 6-8 per side of midrib, conspicuous on both surfaces, base cuneate, margin entire, apex acuminate. Flowers often 5-7 in axils. Pedicel dark brown, 5-6 mm. Flowers yellowish white, outside densely scaly, scales silvery and brown. Calyx tube narrowly tubular, 9-10 mm, slightly constricted at base, abruptly widening below lobes; lobes ovate, ca. 5 × 3 mm, inside densely brown stellate-scaly, apex acuminate. Filaments ca. 1.5 mm; anthers ellipsoid, ca. 1 mm. Style erect, with sparse white stellate hairs. Fruit not seen. Fl. Oct-Nov.
● Montane forests; 1600-2000 m. SE Yunnan (Malipo).
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