Description from
Flora of China
Trees, to 22 m tall, d.b.h. to 70 cm. Bark grayish or cream colored, ± smooth, exfoliating throughout or on trunk and larger branches blackish brown, fibrous, and persistent. Branchlets terete. Young leaves opposite; leaf blade rounded, 4-8 × 4-11 cm, glaucescent. Mature leaves with a slender 2-3 cm petiole; leaf blade grayish, ovate-lanceolate to long ovate, 5-14 × 1.5-4.5 cm, with numerous minute glands, secondary veins at an angle of ca. 55° from midvein, intramarginal veins ca. 0.5 mm from margin. Inflorescences terminal or axillary, paniculate, umbels 3-6-flowered; secondary peduncle ca. 7 mm, terete. Flower buds obovoid, ca. 5 × 3 mm. Hypanthium campanulate, ca. 3 mm; stipe 1-2 mm; calyptra shortly awl-shaped, ca. 2 mm, apex slightly acute. Stamens 3-4 mm; anthers truncate capitate, poricidal. Capsule hemispheric, ovoid, or pyriform, 5-6 × 4-5 mm; disk broad; valves 3 or 4, included in hypanthium. Fl. Nov-Dec.
Cultivated in Jiangxi and Yunnan [native to SE Australia].