Description from
Flora of China
Aralia fargesii Franchet var. yunnanensis H. L. Li.
Herbs, perennial, to ca. 1 m tall, with stout, elongate rhizome. Leaves 2-pinnately compound; petiole 3-15 cm; petiolules 9-12 mm (terminal one to 3 cm), glabrous to slightly pilose; leaflets 3-5 per pinna, ovate to narrowly ovate, (2-)3-8 × 1.3-4.5 cm, papery, sparsely white strigose on veins, truncate to subcordate, margin serrate, apex acuminate. Inflorescences terminal or axillary corymb of umbels, pilose; primary axis to 5 cm, bracts linear-lanceolate, 3-7 mm; umbels 10-30-flowered; pedicels 4-8 mm. Ovary 5-carpellate; styles 5, free. Fruit globose, ca. 3 mm in diam.; styles persistent, radiating. Fl. Jun-Aug, fr. Aug-Oct.
● Forests or scrub fields on slopes; 1900-2800 m. SW Sichuan (Muli), C and NW Yunnan (Dêqên, Heqing, Songming).