Description from
Flora of China
Pimpinella hookeri C. B. Clarke in J. D. Hooker, Fl. Brit. India 2: 686. 1879; Carum hookeri (C. B. Clarke) Franchet.
Plants 30–80 cm. Root tuberous, globose, 8–10 × 5–8 mm across. Stem ribbed and branched, branches elongating. Basal petioles 4–8 cm, sheaths narrow; blade ovate-triangular to long-ovate-triangular, 2-pinnate; proximal pinnae short-petiolulate; ultimate segments ovate, obliquely ovate to broad-ovate, 1–2 × 7–13 mm, 3-lobed or irregularly sparsely serrulate. Umbels 2–5 cm across, many in a lax, raceme-like inflorescence; peduncles 4.5–8 cm; bracts and bracteoles absent; rays 3–6, 2.5–6 cm, slightly unequal; umbellules 8–15 mm across, 3–7-flowered; pedicels 5–15 mm, slender; rays and pedicels elongating and spreading in fruit. Calyx teeth obsolete. Petals white, pink or dark red, lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, ca. 4 × 0.6 mm; apex filiform, 2–3 mm, densely papillate. Fruit ovoid globose, ca. 2 × 2 mm, base subcordate; vittae 2–3 in the furrows, 3–4 on commissure. Fl. Aug, fr. Sep–Oct.
This widespread, quite variable species often grows in mixed populations with Acronema graminifolium, which some authors consider to be a variety of A. hookeri (as originally described as Pimpinella hookeri var. graminifolia).
Forests, riversides, streamsides; 2100–3200 m. S Xizang, NW Yunnan [Bhutan, NE India, E Nepal, Sikkim].