Description from
Flora of China
Sanicula potaninii Bobrov.
Plants 20–70 cm high. Taproot short and stout, roots numerous, fibrous. Stem erect, 2–4-times-dichotomously branched above. Basal leaves several; petioles 5–16(–30) cm; blade round-reniform or broadly ovate-cordate, 2–8 × 2.5–14 cm, palmately deeply 3-parted, primary veins 3–5, prominent on both surfaces, abaxially pale green, serrate or irregularly doubly spinose-serrate; central segment obovate or rhombic; lateral segments oblique-reniform or ovate-lanceolate, often 2-lobed. Upper leaves small, 3-parted, segments ovate-lanceolate. Inflorescence cymose branched; bracts 2, linear-lanceolate, 3–15 mm, 3-parted or entire; rays 0.5–1 cm; bracteoles 7–10, 1–1.5 × 0.5–1 mm, midrib distinct; umbellules ca. 10-flowered. Staminate flowers 6–8 per umbellule, pedicels short; petals greenish white or pinkish. Fertile flowers 2 or 3 per umbellule, sessile; calyx teeth linear-lanceolate, ca. 1 × 0.5 mm; styles ca. 2 mm, recurved. Fruit obovate or subglobose, proximal end with short bristles, distal end with uncinate bristles, bristles yellow or purple-red; vittae obscure. Fl. and fr. Jul–Oct.
This species is used medicinally in E Yunnan.
Stream banks in mixed forests, grassy places on mountain slopes; 1900–3000 m. SW Sichuan, S Xizang (Yadong), Yunnan.