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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Myrsinaceae | Embelia

Embelia pauciflora Diels


Description from Flora of China

Embelia blinii H. Léveillé; E. dielsii H. Léveillé; E. kaopoensis H. Léveillé; E. pauciflora var. blinii (H. Léveillé) E. Walker; E. schlechteri H. Léveillé.

Shrubs scandent, reddish glandular papillose-tomentose on branchlets, petioles, inflorescences, and sepals. Branchlets straight, terete, 1-1.5 mm in diam., glabrescent. Petiole subterete, somewhat canaliculate at blade, 2-2.5 mm; leaf blade ovate to linear-lanceolate, 3-9 × 0.8-2 cm, papery, glabrous above, sparsely glandular papillate and densely black punctate-lineate abaxially, base rounded, margin revolute, crenate-serrate with spinose teeth, apex acuminate or caudate; midrib impressed above, prominently raised below, lateral veins inconspicuous. Inflorescences axillary, subumbellate, 8-10 mm, 3-5(-7)-flowered, pendulous; bracts lanceolate, 0.8-1 × 0.2-0.3 mm, prominently red punctate, glandular ciliate. Flowers unisexual and plants dioecious, 5-merous, staminate 3-3.5 mm, pistillate 2.5-3 mm. Pedicel 3-5 mm, densely glandular papillose-puberulent. Sepals broadly ovate, densely red and black punctate, rugose basally, margin entire, glandular ciliate, apex obtuse or acute. Petals free, oblong or lanceolate, leathery, glabrous outside, yellow glandular granulose inside, densely black punctate-lineate, margin irregular, scarious, glabrous, apex obtuse to acute. Stamens as long as petals or ca. 0.5 mm longer; anthers lanceolate, base cordate, apex apiculate, in pistillate ovate, base truncate, apex apiculate, connective black punctate dorsally. Ovary glabrous. Style slender, exserted, red punctate-lineate; stigma subcapitate, sometimes 2-4-lobed. Fruit red, globose, ca. 5 mm in diam., red punctate. Fl. Sep-Oct.

* Mixed forests, valleys, hillsides, moist places, stony soil; 1300-1500 m. Guizhou, Sichuan


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