Primula membranifolia Franch.
Description from Flora of China
Primula longituba Forrest.
Herbs perennial. Leaves forming a rosette; petiole indistinct to 1/2 as long as leaf blade, rarely nearly as long as leaf blade; leaf blade elliptic to obovate or subspatulate, 1.5--6 X 1--2.5 cm, membranous when dry, abaxially fugaciously yellow farinose, adaxially efarinose or scarcely farinose, base cuneate-attenuate, crenate-dentate, apex rounded. Scapes (1--)2--5 cm, yellow farinose; umbels 1--6(--9)-flowered; bracts linear to linear-lanceolate, 3--7 mm, farinose, whorled or sometimes spirally arranged and adnate to pedicel. Pedicel 2--10 mm, yellow farinose. Flowers heterostylous. Calyx campanulate, 3--4 mm, yellow farinose, parted to middle or below, obscurely 5-veined; lobes lanceolate, apex acute to acuminate. Corolla violet-rose; limb 1.5--2 cm wide; lobes obovate, deeply emarginate. Pin flowers: corolla tube 9--10 mm; stamens 2--3 mm above base of corolla tube; style ca. 2/3 as long as tube. Thrum flowers with positions reciprocal. Capsule nearly as long as calyx. Fl. May.
* On damp limestone rocks; 3000--3300 m. W Yunnan
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