Hoya linearis Wall. ex Wight
Description from Flora of China
Stems hanging, to 1.5 m, hirsute, puberulent. Petiole ca. 2 mm; leaf blade linear, 2.5-5 cm × ca. 5 mm, leathery when dry, base cuneate, apex mucronate; lateral veins obscure. Pseudumbels terminal, umbellate, sessile, many flowered. Pedicel ca. 2.5 cm. Corolla white, 0.8-1.2 cm in diam., glabrous or papillate inside. Corona lobes stellate spreading, outer angle acute, inner angle acute, base long spurred. Follicles lanceolate, ca. 6.5 cm × 5 mm. Seeds with white coma ca. 2 cm. Fl. Sep.
Evergreen forests; 1500-2000 m. NW Yunnan [India, Myanmar, Nepal].
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