Description from
Flora of China
Stems single or several, frequently branched in lower part, 3-7 cm tall, spreading pubescent. Basal and lower stem leaves petiolate, spatulate, ca. 3 cm × 4-10(-14) mm, pubescent, base attenuate, apex rounded and obtuse; middle and upper stem leaves sessile, spatulate to elliptic, 0.9-1.4 cm. Inflorescences terminal, few flowered; bracts crowded, broadly ovate, orbicular-ovate, to suborbicular, 3-8 × 3-6 mm. Calyx ca. 1.2 mm, to 2 mm in fruit, parted nearly to base; lobes narrowly triangular, short strigose inside, margin villous. Corolla blue or white, glabrous; tube ca. 1.1 mm; appendages lunate, ca. 0.2 mm; limb ca. 2.2 mm wide; lobes orbicular. Nutlets suboblique, ca. 1.8 × 1.2 mm, glabrous, with few fine tubercles, abaxially with 3 obscure longitudinal ribs, without aperture; adaxial attachment scar above middle. Fl. Jul-Sep.
* Alpine meadows, gravelly slopes; 3600-5200 m. Gansu (Tianzhu Xian), E and S Qinghai, NE Xizang.