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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Boraginaceae | Trigonotis

Trigonotis orbicularifolia C. J. Wang


Description from Flora of China

Herbs perennial. Rhizomes ascending, dark brown; roots numerous, fibrous. Stems erect, 20-40 cm tall, short strigose. Basal leaves mostly withered at anthesis. Petiole 2-3 cm; stem leaves orbicular to broadly elliptic, 3-7 × 3-6.5 cm, abaxially gray-green, sparsely short strigose, hairs discoid at base, adaxially green, base rounded, decurrent, margin entire, apex retuse, mucronate; veins conspicuous. Inflorescences axillary, branched, to 28 cm in fruit, ebracteate. Pedicel divaricate, ca. 2 mm, 4-5 mm in fruit. Calyx parted nearly to base; lobes narrowly ovate, 2-2.5 mm, slightly enlarged in fruit, strigose, apex acuminate. Corolla light blue or white; tube ca. 2 mm; throat appendages ca. 0.4 mm; limb 5-6 mm wide; lobes rotate-horizontal, suborbicular, margin denticulate. Anthers elliptic, ca. 1 mm, apex obtuse. Style shorter than nutlets. Mature nutlets black, semiglobose-tetrahedral, ca. 1.5 mm, sparsely spinescent-tuberculate, 2 lateral surfaces equal in size and longitudinally ribbed at their juncture; abaxial surfaces convex becoming white, ovate, obtuse ribbed around margin, sessile. Fl. Jun-Jul, fr. Jul-Aug.

* Hillside meadows, forests, moist shaded valleys; 700-1800 m. Sichuan.


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