Description from
Flora of China
Clerodendrum castaneifolium Hooker & Arnott; C. lividum Lindley; C. oxysepalum Miquel; C. pentagonum Hance; C. pumilum (Loureiro) Sprengel; Volkameria pumila Loureiro.
Shrubs ca. 2.5 m tall. Branches densely yellow-brown pubescent when young; branchlets dark brown. Petiole 0.5-3(-4) cm, densely yellow-brown pubescent; leaf blade elliptic, ovate-lanceolate, or rarely ovate-elliptic, 5-17.51.5-5 cm, papery, abaxially pubescent and densely small yellow glandular, adaxially pubescent, base cuneate to broadly cuneate, margin entire, undulate, or sparsely dentate-serrate, apex acuminate. Cymes axillary, shorter than subtending leaves, 3-9(-18)-flowered; peduncle 1-4 cm, densely brown pubescent; bracts linear, densely brown pubescent. Calyx purple, deeply 5-lobed, outside pubescent, inside glabrous; lobes broadly ovate, forming 5 angles with their united edges. Corolla white or pinkish, salverform; tube straight, somewhat funnelform, slightly longer than calyx; limb oblique; lobes oblong, ca. 6 mm, reflexed. Stamens longer than corolla, declinate, inserted at ± middle of tube, base pubescent; anthers dark brown, sagittate, smooth. Style filiform, shorter than stamens. Fruiting calyx inflated. Drupes dark blue-green, subglobose, ca. 5 mm in diam., enclosed by calyx. Fl. and fr. Jun-Nov.
Mountain slopes along roadsides; ca. 1000 m. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Jiangxi [Philippines, Vietnam]