Description from
Flora of China
Tsoongia axillariflora var. trifoliolata H. L. Li.
Shrubs or small trees, 1-7 m tall. Branchlets purple-red, terete. Petiole 2-5.5 cm, pubescent, glandular; leaf blade elliptic to ovate-elliptic, 6-15 X 3-6.5 cm, submembranous, sparsely pubescent and glandular especially abaxially, base broadly cuneate, margin entire, apex acuminate to acute; veins 4-7 pairs, abaxially prominent. Bracts and bractlets persistent. Calyx 2-3 mm. Corolla yellow, tube ca. 9 mm, outside glandular. Ovary apically densely yellow glandular. Fruit black-brown when mature, nearly ovoid, ca. 4 mm in diam., shiny, sparsely glandular. Fl. and fr. May-Sep.
Dense forests in mountain valleys; 900-1000 m. Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, SE Yunnan [Myanmar, Vietnam].