Description from
Flora of China
Physalis esquirolii H. Léveillé & Vaniot.
Herbs annual, 30-50 cm tall, sparsely pubescent or glabrescent. Stems much branched. Petiole 1-5 cm; leaf blade ovate to elliptic, 3-6 × 2-4 cm, glabrescent, base cuneate or broadly cuneate, margin entire or dentate, apex acuminate or acute. Pedicel 5-12 mm. Calyx divided about halfway, 4-5 mm; lobes lanceolate, ciliate. Corolla pale yellow or white, spotted in throat, 4-6 × 6-8 mm. Fruiting calyx ovoid, 1.5-2.5 cm in diam. Berry ca. 1.2 cm in diam. Seeds discoid, ca. 2 mm. Fl. May-Jul, fr. Jul-Dec.
Disturbed sites, forests, villages, roadsides; 500-1500 m. Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Taiwan, Zhejiang [worldwide].