Description from
Flora of China
Herbs perennial, drying black. Stems to 70 cm tall, erect, unbranched, subglabrous, leafy throughout. Basal leaves early deciduous. Stem leaves clasping, lanceolate-linear, ca. 7 cm X 7 mm, adaxially shiny; segments 27--40 pairs, margin double dentate. Inflorescences 10--25 cm, pubescent; bracts leaflike, longer than flowers. Calyx ca. 1 cm; tube ca. 6 mm, white villous; lobes 5, ± equal, ± entire. Corolla yellow; tube ca. 9 mm, slightly shorter than calyx; galea purple-spotted, conspicuously navicular, margin pilose, apex slightly curved; beak decurved, ca. 1.5 mm; lower lip ca. 1.4 cm X 8--9 mm, ± ciliate, lobes lanceolate, denticulate. Filaments pubescent. Fl. Jun--Aug, fr. Aug.
* Loose moraine screes, dry places in forests; 3400--4500 m. E Xizang.