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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Scrophulariaceae | Pedicularis

Pedicularis cymbalaria Bonati


Description from Flora of China

Herbs annual or biennial, 4--15 cm tall, drying ± black. Stems several, diffuse or procumbent, many branched basally; branches opposite, glabrous or with 2 lines of hairs. Leaves opposite; petiole 4--6(--20) mm, sparsely long pubescent; leaf blade reniform to cordate-ovate, sometimes orbicular, to 1.2 X 1 cm, abaxially whitish scurfy, adaxially densely glandular pubescent, pinnate to palmately lobed or parted; segments 6--10 pairs, ovate-oblong, crenate-dentate. Flowers axillary, opposite, widely spaced. Pedicel 5--10(--20) mm, slender. Calyx 0.9--1.2 cm, densely pubescent, slightly cleft anteriorly; lobes 5, unequal, posterior lobe smallest, entire, lateral lobes dentate. Corolla yellowish white to rose, 2--2.5 cm; tube erect, to 1.2 cm; galea falcate apically, margin 2-toothed, apex navicular; lower lip shorter than galea, margin ± praemorse, middle lobe ca. as long as lateral lobes. Filaments glabrous or pubescent basally. Capsule obliquely lanceolate-oblong, 1.2--1.3 cm, ca. 1/3 exceeding calyx. Fl. Aug, fr. Sep.

* Alpine meadows, rocky soils, shaded banks; 3400--4000 m. SW Sichuan, NW Yunnan.


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