Description from
Flora of China
Herbs 20--30 cm tall. Stems erect or ascending, often branched basally, glabrous. Leaves mostly on stem, alternate or sometimes pseudo-opposite; petiole to 3.5 cm, slender; leaf blade ovate or oblong-ovate, 4--5.5 X 1.5--3.2 cm, pinnatipartite; segments 5--7 pairs, widely spaced, ovate, pinnatipartite, crenate-dentate. Inflorescences short compact racemes; bracts leaflike, to 2.5 cm. Pedicel to 5 mm. Calyx ca. 6 mm, glabrous, 1/2 cleft anteriorly; lobes 3, unequal, lateral pair flabellate, longer than posterior one. Corolla rose, ca. 1.7 cm; tube erect, longer than calyx; galea falcate, inconspicuously crested, with 1 reflexed marginal tooth on one or both sides; beak bent obliquely downward, ca. 6 mm, slender, slightly cleft at apex; lower lip nearly as long as galea, glabrous. 2 filaments sparsely villous, 2 glabrous. Capsule barely completely enclosed by accrescent calyx, oblong-ovoid, compressed, ca. 1.2 cm X 6 mm, apex acute. Fl. Aug, fr. Sep.
* Open hillsides, alpine meadows. Sichuan, NW Yunnan.