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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Scrophulariaceae | Pedicularis

Pedicularis forrestiana Bonati


Description from Flora of China

Herbs perennial, 15--20 cm tall or more, drying black. Roots fleshy. Stems numerous, ascending or erect, unbranched, minutely pubescent. Basal leaves numerous; petiole 5--6 cm, ciliate; leaf blade linear-oblong, 3--5 X 1--2 cm, pinnatifid; segments 8--10 pairs, 4--6 X 2--4 mm, ± incised-dentate. Stem leaves and bracts similar to basal leaves but shorter petiolate. Flowers axillary and lax or in lax racemes to 20 cm; bracts flabellate to linear-oblong, petiolate. Pedicel erect, 5--8 mm, slender. Calyx tube 7--8 mm, glabrous; lobes 5, 1--2 mm, equal, flabellate and incised-dentate. Corolla rose, 1.6--2 cm; tube nearly 2 X as long as calyx; galea ± bent at a right angle; beak falcate, ca. 5 mm; lower lip ca. as long as galea, 7--10 mm X 1--1.4 cm, middle lobe emarginate, slightly hoodlike. Filaments pubescent. Fl. Jul--Aug, fr. Sep.

* Alpine meadows, open areas, thick grass and scrubs; 3300--4000 m. NW Yunnan


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