Description from
Flora of China
Herbs perennial, to 11 cm tall. Roots fleshy. Stems numerous, weak, flexuous ascending, or ± procumbent, pubescent. Leaves alternate or ± opposite. Petiole of basal leaves to 7 cm, glabrous; leaf blade ovate-oblong, 5.5--13 X ca. 2.5 cm, pinnatisect; segments 6 or 7 pairs, ovate to oblong, pinnatipartite to pinnatisect, membranous, glabrous, dentate. Stem leaves similar to basal leaves, but smaller and shorter petiolate. Inflorescences racemose, 8--9 cm, interrupted basally; bracts leaflike, proximal ones longer than flowers, distal ones ca. as long as flowers. Pedicel erect, ca. 1.3 cm, pubescent. Calyx 1--1.2 cm, villous, slightly cleft anteriorly; lobes 5, unequal, leaflike. Corolla purple, ca. 2 cm; tube erect, longer than calyx, slightly pubescent; galea falcate; beak straight, conical, ca. 3 mm; lower lip slightly longer than galea, ciliate. Filaments villous. Capsule enclosed by accrescent calyx, compressed, ovoid, to 1 cm X 7--8 mm, apex acute. Fl. and fr. Sep.
* Open and sandy places; ca. 3000 m. NW Yunnan.