Description from
Flora of China
Pedicularis lachnoglossa var. macrantha Bonati; P. macrantha (Bonati) H. Léveillé.
Herbs perennial, 20--50 cm tall. Stems usually 2--5, sometimes to 8, brown pubescent, base with petiolar remnants from preceding years. Leaves clustered at base; petiole 3.5--8 cm; leaf blade lanceolate-linear, to 16 X 1--2.6 cm, pinnatisect; segments 20--40 pairs, lanceolate, pinnatipartite or double dentate. Inflorescences racemose, to 20 cm, usually interrupted; bracts linear, shorter than flowers. Pedicel short. Calyx cylindric-oblong, ca. 1 cm, cleft more deeply anteriorly; lobes 5, ± entire. Corolla purple-rose, ca. 1.6 cm; galea densely red-brown pubescent abaxially and at margin; beak ca. 4 mm; lower lip densely red-brown ciliate. Filaments glabrous. Capsule long ovoid, to 1.4 cm X 6 mm. Fl. Jun--Jul, fr. Aug.
Alpine meadows, Abies forests, among small shrubs on hillsides; 2500--5400 m. W Sichuan, S and SE Xizang, NW Yunnan [Bhutan, E Nepal, Sikkim].