Description from
Flora of China
Herbs low, less than 4 cm tall, drying black. Roots fascicled, fleshy. Stems scapelike, erect, usually to 1 cm. Basal leaf petiole 1--1.5 cm, slender, pubescent; leaf blade oblong-lanceolate, ca. 1 cm X 2--3 mm, pinnatisect or pinnatipartite; segments 8--10 pairs, ovate, glabrescent, dentate. Flowers 2 or 3; bracts leaflike, ca. 1 cm. Pedicel 2--3 mm. Calyx oblong-ovate, ca. 8 X 3--4 mm, pubescent; lobes 5, subequal, narrowly triangular, 2--2.5 mm, ± entire or dentate. Corolla cream colored or bright rose, 1.2--2.3 cm; tube slightly bent and expanded apically, ca. 1.1 cm; galea ± bent, ca. 1.2 cm, apex ± acute; lower lip ca. 9 mm, lobes rounded, middle one projecting. 2 filaments pubescent apically, 2 glabrous throughout. Capsule oblong-ovoid, compressed, ca. 1.1 cm X 4 mm, slightly oblique, apex acute. Fl. Jun--Aug, fr. Jul--Sep.
* Moist alpine meadows; 3900--5300 m. W Sichuan, SE Xizang, NW Yunnan