Description from
Flora of China
Herbs perennial, 20--40(--70) cm tall, not drying black. Roots ± fleshy. Stems 1, 3, 4(--7), erect, unbranched apically, sparsely pubescent apically. Basal leaves numerous, often withering early. Stem leaves alternate or pseudo-opposite; proximal petioles to 5 cm, distal ones ca. 5 mm; leaf blade oblong-lanceolate to linear-oblong, 2--9.5 X 0.7--2.5 cm, glabrous on both surfaces, pinnatisect; segments 9--16 pairs, lanceolate to linear-oblong, dentate. Inflorescences racemose, to 18 cm, many flowered; bracts leaflike, proximal ones longer than calyx. Pedicel 1--2.5 mm, slender, pubescent. Calyx 6--7 mm, 1/2 cleft anteriorly, pubescent; lobes 3, unequal, posterior one ± entire, lateral pair larger, flabellate, dentate. Corolla yellow, with purple or purple-red galea, 1.6--2 cm; tube erect, ca. as long as calyx, pubescent; galea twisted; beak S-shaped, slender; lower lip ca. 1 X 1.3 cm, long ciliate. Filaments pubescent. Capsule ovoid, 1.2--1.6 cm X 4--6 mm. Fl. Jun--Aug, fr. Aug--Sep.
* Alpine meadows; 2500--4000 m. S Gansu, W Hubei, Shaanxi, E and N Sichuan.