Description from
Flora of China
Herbs perennial, to 60 cm tall. Rootstock fleshy. Stems erect, many branched or unbranched, finely pubescent or glabrescent. Leaves petiolate; leaf blade obovate to rhomboid-lanceolate, 4--10 X 1--2.5 cm, hispid on both surfaces, base long attenuate, pinnatifid or double crenate, apex rounded to attenuate. Inflorescences racemose, more than 10 cm, interrupted basally; bracts broadly ovate to oblong-ovate. Calyx ca. 1.2 cm, densely hispidulous, long pubescent along veins, deeply cleft anteriorly; lobes 2(or 3), narrow, distinctly serrulate. Corolla pale rose, 2.4--3 cm; tube 1.4--1.5 cm, glabrous; galea falcate, 1.1--1.4 cm; beak to 2 mm, truncate; lower lip ca. 1 cm. Filaments villous. Capsule obliquely lanceolate-ovoid, 1.1--1.3 cm, apex acute. Fl. Aug--Oct, fr. Sep--Nov.
* Grassy slopes, forests; 1000--2600 m. NW and SW Sichuan, E and S Yunnan.