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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Scrophulariaceae | Veronica

Veronica chayuensis Hong


Description from Flora of China

Perennials, 4-6 cm tall. Stems erect or ascending, white pubescent with multicellular hairs along 2 lines. Lower leaves few, small, subsessile, often scalelike; middle ones crowded, large, short petiolate; upper subsessile; leaf blade orbicular to ovate-orbicular, 1-1.5 X ca. 1 cm, subglabrous, margin entire on lower leaves, others 3-5-toothed on each side. Flowers 1-3, fascicled in axils of upper leaves, appearing terminal; bracts broadly linear, ciliate. Pedicel 1-1.5 mm. Calyx 4-lobed; lobes linear-elliptic, ca. 2.5 mm at anthesis, to 4 mm in fruit, sparsely ciliate with multicellular hairs. Corolla white, ca. 4.5 mm; tube ca. 1 mm, glabrous inside; lower lobe obovate-elliptic, lateral 2 lobes obovate, upper lobe broadly oblong and to 4 mm wide, apex subtruncate. Stamens shorter than corolla. Capsule strongly compressed, reniform, laterally rounded, ca. 3.5 X 5 mm, upper margin glandular ciliate. Style 1.8-2.3 mm. Seeds numerous, flattened, slightly convex. Fl. Aug.

* Gravelly slopes by water, meadows, forests; 3500-4200 m. S Xizang, Yunnan (Gongshan).


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