Description from
Flora of China
Trees ca. 20 m tall. Branchlets copiously lenticellate. Leaves 2-pinnately compound; leaf rachis ca. 45 cm; lateral petiolules 5-10 mm, terminal ones 3-6 cm; leaflets ca. 23, blade elliptic-lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, 10-20 X 3-7 cm, glabrous on both sides, densely black glandular abaxially, base cuneate or subrounded, margin entire, apex long acuminate; lateral veins 8 or 9 on each side of midrib. Inflorescences sparsely paniculate; peduncle short. Calyx campanulate, 2.5-3 X ca. 2 cm; teeth 5, ovate-rounded. Corolla orange-yellow, broadly campanulate; tube ca. 5 X 2.5 cm; lobes ovate-rounded, subequal. Stamens 5, inserted high in corolla tube; filaments ca. 1 cm, pubescent; anthers divergent, ellipsoid, with caudate appendages at apex. Capsule terete, nodding, ca. 1 m X 8 mm, 2-angular; pericarp black-green, thin leathery; septum terete, ca. 3 mm in diam. Seeds ovoid, thin membranous, including wing ca. 12 X 3 mm. Fl. Nov-Apr, fr. Oct-Dec.
* Slopes, forests; 1000-1700 m. S Yunnan.