Stereospermum strigillosum C. Y. Wu et W. C. Yin
Description from Flora of China
Trees ca. 5 m tall. Leaflets 7-9, long elliptic, 10-19 X 4-6.5 cm, base broadly cuneate, margin entire, apex acuminate; lateral veins 11 or 12 on each side of midrib, convex abaxially; petiolules 5-7 mm; leaf rachis 14-16 cm. Inflorescences paniculate, terminal, ca. 20 cm. Calyx ca. 10 X 5 mm, densely puberulent; teeth ovate-triangular. Corolla radial, red, tube short. Capsule long terete, curved, 15-40 cm, slightly 4-angular; pericarp thin leathery. Seeds ovoid, ca. 2.5 cm. Fl. Jul.
* Forests, slopes, humid places; ca. 100 m. S Yunnan.
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