Description from
Flora of China
Petiole to 8(-13) cm, densely appressed villous; leaf blade elliptic to ovate or linear-lanceolate to oblanceolate, 3.7-16 X 0.8-6.5 cm, densely appressed pubescent, base cuneate to subrounded or narrowly cuneate, margin nearly entire, apex acute to acuminate; lateral veins 5-7 on each side of midrib, distinct. Cymes 2-12-flowered; peduncle 10-20 cm, light brown appressed pubescent; bracts 2, lanceolate, 0.8-1.3 cm X 1.5-2 mm, appressed pubescent or villous, margin entire. Pedicel 0.9-2.5 cm. Calyx segments narrowly lanceolate to narrowly triangular, 6-8 mm, margin entire or several denticulate. Corolla blue-purple to pinkish white or greenish, 1.8-2.3 cm, outside pubescent to glabrescent; tube nearly cylindric, gradually slightly ampliate from base to mouth, 1.4-2 cm X 3-6 mm; limb slightly 2-lipped; adaxial lip 2-lobed from near middle, lobes 1.5-2 X 1.5-2 mm; abaxial lip lobes 3.5-5.5 X 2.5-3 mm. Stamens adnate to corolla 5-7 mm above base, 6-13 mm; filaments slender, slightly flattened, glabrous; anthers oblong, 2-loculed, dehiscing longitudinally, connective glabrous; staminode 1, ca. 1.2 mm. Disc ca. 1.2 mm, shallowly 5-lobed to subentire. Pistil 0.9-1.8 cm; ovary glabrous or pubescent toward style. Style glabrous or pubescent; stigma 1, disc-shaped. Capsule 3-4.5 cm. Fl. Jun-Oct, fr. Aug-Oct.
* Rocks; 500-700 m. Guangdong, Guangxi.