Description from
Flora of China
Cyananthus umbrosus Griffith, Not. Pl. Asiat. 4: 154. 1854.
Stems 4-22 cm, apically rust-brown puberulent. Normal leaves with petiole 0.5-1(-2.3) cm; leaf blade strongly oblique, often falcate, ovate to obovate, 7-28 X 3.5-10 cm, adaxially glabrescent, abaxially sparsely puberulent along veins, base oblique, cuneate to rounded, margin repand-crenate, apex acuminate; reduced leaves sessile, oblique, obovate, 3-4 mm. Peduncle 2-4 cm, densely puberulent; bracts linear, 3-4 mm, adaxially puberulent. Calyx ca. 4 mm; lobes broadly triangular, ca. 2 mm. Corolla white to purple, 5-7 X ca. 1 cm in diam.; tube ca. 2.6 X 4 mm; adaxial lip ca. 4 mm; abaxial lip ca. 4.5 mm. Stamens 3.2-5.2 mm. Pistil ca. 2 mm; ovary densely puberulent. Fl. Feb-Jun.
Forests, forest margins in valleys; 400-1100 m. W Guangxi, Hainan, S Yunnan [NE India, Malaysia, Myanmar, Vietnam].