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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Cucurbitaceae | Cucurbita

Cucurbita maxima Duch. ex Lam.


Description from Flora of China

Cucurbita pepo Linnaeus var. maxima (Duchesne) Delile.

Plants climbing. Stem robust, white setose. Petiole 15-20 cm, densely setose; leaf blade reniform or orbicular-reniform, 15-25 cm, both surfaces setose, base cordate, margin almost entire or dentate, apex obtuse. Tendrils usually many fid, slightly setose. Male pedicel 10-20 cm, puberulent; calyx tube campanulate; segments linear-lanceolate, 18-20 mm, densely white setose; corolla tubular; segments reflexed, ovate-orbicular, 2-3 cm, margin rugose, apex obtuse; stamens 3; filaments connivent, 5-7 mm, almost glabrous or puberulent at base; anthers connivent. Ovary ovoid; style short; stigmas 2-lobed. Fruiting pedicel short, cylindric, not angular-sulcate, apex not enlarged; fruit variable in shape, size, and color. Seeds compressed, margin obtuse or marginate. Fl. and fr. Apr-Nov.

The fruit is used as a vegetable; the seeds contain oil.

Commonly cultivated in China [native to South America; cultivated in tropical and temperate regions].


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