Schizopepon xizangensis A. M. Lu et Z. Y. Zhang
Description from Flora of China
Plants glabrous. Branches slender, filiform. Tendrils filiform. Petiole slender, 2-3 cm; leaf blade hastate, 4-6.5 × 3-4 cm, thin, membranous, 5-lobed, lobe margin dentate, apex caudate-acuminate; sinus subquadrate. Plants dioecious. Male flowers solitary, or 2-7 in a short raceme; calyx tube cupular, ca. 3 mm in diam.; segments subulate, ca. 2 mm; corolla yellow; segments triangular-ovate, ca. 6 mm; stamens connate; filaments short, ca. 1 mm; anthers ovoid, one 1-celled, other 2-celled; connective produced; appendage subulate, ca. 1 mm. Female flowers and fruit unknown.
● Herbage on mountain slopes; ca. 2100 m. SE Xizang (Mêdog).
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