Description from
Flora of China
Hieracium croceum Lamarck, Encycl. 2: 360. 1786; Berinia crocea (Lamarck) Schultz Bipontinus; Crepis aurea Reichenbach var. crocea (Lamarck) Candolle; C. gmelinii Schultes var. grandifolia Tausch; C. pallasii Turczaninow, nom. illeg. superfl.; C. turczaninowii C. A. Meyer; Hieracioides crocea (Lamarck) Kuntze.
Herbs 8-30 cm tall, perennial, rosulate, with taproot frequently shoot-bearing. Caudex 0.5-2 cm, simple or usually very shortly branched and thus with 1 or few leaf rosettes, covered with brown leaf bases of former leaves. Stems 1 or a few, slender, ascending to erect, simple or 1- to few forked, arachnoid hairy and with yellow longer and shorter strong glandular and non-glandular hairs especially apically, usually ± leafless. Rosette leaves numerous, oblanceolate to elliptic, 2.5-10 × 1-2.5 cm, shallowly pinnatifid to pinnatisect, both faces white arachnoid hairy and with strong yellowish glandular hairs, base attenuate into a petiole-like portion, margin sinuate-dentate or entire; lateral lobes narrowly triangular, lanceolate, or sublinear, apex acute; terminal lobe triangular to lanceolate, apex acute. Stem leaves 0-3, reduced in size, undivided, otherwise similar to rosette leaves or sessile. Capitula 1-4 per stem, with many florets. Involucre narrowly campanulate, 1-1.5 × 0.7-1 cm. Phyllaries green in fruit, abaxially with arachnoid hairs and with yellowish to yellowish green, strong, longer and shorter glandular and non-glandular hairs along midvein; outer phyllaries linear-lanceolate, longest 5-8 mm; inner phyllaries 12-14, adaxially weakly appressed hairy, margin conspicuously scarious, apex acute. Anther tube 4.5-5.5 mm. Achene dark to blackish brown, fusiform, 5-6 mm, straight or subcurved, with 10-15 ribs, apically attenuate. Pappus white, 7-8 mm. Fl. and fr. May-Aug.
Crepis pallasii is a homotypic synonym of Hieracium croceum.
Mountain slopes, loess hills, wastelands; 800-2900 m. Gansu, Hebei, Nei Mongol, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shanxi [Mongolia, E Russia].