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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Poaceae | Bambusa

Bambusa gibboides W. T. Lin


Description from Flora of China

Culms 10–12 m, 5–7 cm in diam., basally flexuose, apically drooping; internodes slightly curved, basally slightly swollen, 40–47 cm, initially thinly white powdery, stiffly brown strigose; wall slightly thick; nodes slightly prominent, basal 2 usually with rings of gray-white silky hairs; branching from basal or 2nd node up. Branches solitary on basal nodes, several to many at mid-culm and distal nodes, central obviously dominant. Culm sheaths deciduous, ribbed-striate when dry, with appressed, dull brown hairs near base, apex subtruncate; auricles unequal, horizontal along both sides of sheath apex, larger ones oblong to narrowly oblong, ca. 2 × 0.5–0.6 cm, smaller auricle elliptic, ca. 1/2 size of larger one; oral setae undulate; ligule 2–3 mm, dentate, shortly fringed; blade erect, narrowly ovate to ovate-triangular, ca. 1/2 as long as sheath, base slightly rounded and joined to auricles for ca. 3 mm, ca. 2/3 width of sheath apex. Leaf blade linear-lanceolate to narrowly lanceolate, 10–20 × 1.3–2 cm, abaxially densely pubescent, adaxially glabrous. Pseudospikelets several, clustered at nodes of flowering branches, linear-lanceolate, slightly flat, 3–4 cm; prophylls ovate, keels ciliolate toward apex, apex obtuse; gemmiferous bracts usually 2, ovate; florets 5–7, apical 1 or 2 usually sterile; rachilla segments flat, 3–4 mm, apex inflated and hairy. Glumes 1, ovate, 6–8 mm, many veined, apex mucronate; lemma ovate-elliptic, 1–1.4 cm, glabrous, many veined, apex acute, mucronate; palea slightly longer than lemma, sparsely very shortly ciliolate near apex or sometimes subglabrous, 6- or 7-veined between and 3- or 4-veined on either side of keels, apex obtuse; lodicules 3, unequal, posterior 1 slightly larger, obovate, base thickened, margin finely ciliate. Filaments short; anthers yellow, apex obtuse. Ovary ovoid, apex hispidulous; style very short; stigmas 3. Caryopsis unknown.

The shoots are edible.

* Cultivated. Guangdong.


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