Description from
Flora of China
Allium gageanum W. W. Smith.
Roots tuberous, short, thick. Bulb solitary or clustered, cylindric; tunic pale brown, fibrous. Leaves linear, usually longer than scape, 2--5 mm wide, midvein obscure. Scape lateral, (5--)15--40 cm, terete, covered with leaf sheaths for 1/4--2/5 its length. Spathe 1- or 2-valved, persistent or deciduous. Umbel globose. Pedicels subequal, 1.5--2 × as long as perianth, ebracteolate. Perianth white; segments lanceolate, 4.5--6 × 1.4--2.2 mm, base usually broadened, rounded, apex acuminate or irregularly 2-lobed. Filaments subulate, slightly shorter than perianth segments, connate at base and adnate to perianth segments. Ovary applanate-globose, minutely tuberculate, base constricted into a short stipe; ovules 2 per locule. Style equaling to slightly longer than ovary; stigma punctiform. Fl. and fr. Jul--Sep.
Dry slopes, meadows, sandy places; 2200--5400 m. SE Qinghai, W Sichuan, SE Xizang [Bhutan, Nepal, Sikkim].