Ypsilandra cavaleriei Levl. et Vnt.
Description from Flora of China
Ypsilandra parviflora F. T. Wang & T. Tang.
Leaves usually more than 10, oblanceolate, basally gradually narrowed to a petiole; petiole 5--12 cm × 2--4 mm; leaf blade 3--13 × 2--4.6 cm, apex acuminate. Scape usually slightly longer than basal leaves. Raceme 6--10-flowered. Pedicel 4--6 mm, nearly as long as tepals. Tepals white or pink, spatulate-oblanceolate, 4--5 × 1.5--2 mm, 3--5-veined. Stamens 5--6 mm, slightly extending beyond tepals at anthesis. Ovary slightly 3-lobed apically; lobes 1/5--1/4 as long as ovary. Style 6--7 mm, slightly longer than stamens; stigma capitate, slightly or scarcely 3-lobed. Capsule broadly ovoid, ca. 2/3 as long as persistent tepals. Seeds ca. 4 mm. Fl. Mar--Apr, fr. Apr--May.
* Shady places on slopes, hillsides along streams; 1000--1400 m. NW Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, S Hunan.
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