Description from
Flora of China
Trees deciduous or evergreen, up to 30 m tall. Leaves aggregated at shoot apex, petiolate; stipules linear, caducous, leaving small scars; leaf blade usually ovate or elliptic, usually at least some 3-lobed, leathery, margin glandular-serrate, 3-veined. Plants monoecious. Male inflorescence a compound spike, terminal. Female inflorescences capitate, solitary in leaf axils, long pedunculate. Flowers unisexual. Sepals and petals absent. Male flowers: stamens many; filaments very short, anther thecae 2-sporangiate, dehiscence pattern uncertain. Female flowers: floral cup adnate to ovary; staminodes (also interpreted as carpellodes) linear, short, persistent, or absent. Ovary semi-inferior; ovules many, axile; styles oblique, usually coiled backwards; stigmas papillose. Infructescences semiglobose with truncate base. Capsules woody, dehiscing by two 2-lobed valves, styles and floral cups persistent. Seeds many, minute, angular, most of them sterile.
Three species.