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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Asteraceae

Rhaponticum Lam.


Description from Flora of China

Acroptilon Cassini; Klaseopsis L. Martins; Leuzea Candolle; Stemmacantha Cassini.

Herbs, perennial. Stems erect, simple or branched. Capitulum homogamous, solitary, at end of stem or branches. Phyllaries imbricate, with narrow membranous margin or apical scarious or membranous appendage. Florets bisexual. Corolla pink to purple. Achene tetragonal or inconspicuously striate. Pappus elements in several rows, brittle, scabrid to shortly plumose; pappus elements of innermost row basally wider than and as long as or slightly longer than others.

About 26 species: Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe; four species (one endemic) in China.

(Authors: Shi Zhu (石铸 Shih Chu); Ludwig Martins)

Lower Taxa


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