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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Convolvulaceae | Dinetus

6. Dinetus truncatus (Kurz) Staples, Novon. 3: 200. 1993.

毛果飞蛾藤 mao guo fei e teng

Description from Flora of China

Porana truncata Kurz, J. Bot. 11: 136. 1873; P. racemosa Roxburgh var. sericocarpa C. Y. Wu.

Herbs annual; indumentum yellowish. Stems sparsely sericeous, glabrescent. Petiole 3.8-6.4 cm; leaf blade broadly ovate-cordate, 8.3-9.5 ´ 5.6-6.9 cm, sparsely stellate, adaxially glabrous or sparsely strigose; veins ± sericeous with simple hairs abaxially. Inflorescences and flowers unknown. Infructescence a lax raceme or panicle, 15-23 cm; bracts cordate. Pedicel deflexed, (0.7-)1-1.1(-1.5) cm. Fruiting calyx spreading; sepals purplish tan to brownish, slenderly elliptic to oblong, equal, (1-)1.7-2.1 cm ´ (3-)4-5 mm, glabrous or sparsely pubescent, apex obtuse to rounded, mucronulate. Fruit straw colored to rusty brown, angles often darker, pendent, inflated, broadly obovoid to rhomboid, ± 5-angled, 4-6(-8) ´ 4-6.5(-8) mm, glabrous or puberulent, truncate or depressed-concave apically. Seed yellowish to dark red-brown, ellipsoid to ± globose, 3-5 ´ (2-)3-4 mm, smooth to coarsely wrinkled. Fl. unknown, fr. Oct-Dec.

Sandy, silty, or clay soils, damp forest clearings, roadsides, thickets, fallow cultivated land; 700-2500 m. Anhui, Guangdong, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Yunnan [E Myanmar, N Thailand].


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