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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Oleaceae | Fraxinus

17. Fraxinus baroniana Diels, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 36 (Beibl. 82): 86. 1905.

狭叶 xia ye qin

Description from Flora of China

Shrubs or small trees to 4 m. Branchlets smooth. Leaves 12-18(-20) cm; petiole 2-3 cm; axis broadly grooved; leaflets 7-9; petiolule 3-5 mm; leaflet blade narrowly lanceolate, (3.5-)5-8(-10) × 1-1.8(-2.2) cm, leathery, adaxially glabrous, abaxially white or yellow barbate along base of midrib, long acuminate at both ends, margin regularly and remotely serrate; primary veins 8-12 on each side of midrib. Panicles terminal or lateral, 8-12 cm, lax. Flowers dioecious, opening with leaves. Pedicel 2-3 mm. Calyx campanulate, ca. 1.5 mm; teeth deltate, membranous. Corolla absent. Samara linear-spatulate, 1.8-2.5 cm × 4-5 mm; wing decurrent to upper part of nutlet. Fl. Apr, fr. May-Jul.

* Thickets on slopes, along streams and rivers; 700-1300 m. Gansu, Shaanxi, Sichuan


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