Description from
Flora of China
Pedicularis furfuracea Wallich var. integrifolia J. D. Hooker.
Plants to 30--60 cm tall. Leaves 2.5--5 cm, abaxially white scurfy, adaxially pubescent. Calyx lobes unequal. Corolla ca. 1.7 cm; lower lip ciliate, middle lobe rounded. Capsule triangular-lanceolate, 1.8--2 cm.
Plants apparently identical to the typical subsp. but with capsules ca. 1.5 cm and leaves ± glabrous have been referred to as Pedicularis pantlingii subsp. brachycarpa P. C. Tsoong (Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 68: 143. 1963); however, the name is invalid because it lacks a Latin description. Since the minor differences in capsular length and indumentum may be related to growing conditions, further study is required.
Wet boggy places, wet banks in dense mixed forests. 3500--4200 m. S and SE Xizang, NW Yunnan [Bhutan, India (Darjeeling), Nepal, Sikkim]