21. Pedicularis pseudoingens Bonati, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh. 8: 135. 1913.
假硕大马先蒿 jia shuo da ma xian hao
Description from Flora of China
Herbs perennial, drying black. Stems to 1 m tall, erect, hollow, glabrescent, striate. Basal leaves small, scalelike; stem leaves linear, base hastate; segments more than 50 pairs, glabrous, margin incised-double dentate. Inflorescences to 30 cm, lax basally; bracts leaflike. Calyx to 1.3 cm, glabrous; lobes 5, triangular-lanceolate, to 5 mm, distinctly serrulate. Corolla yellowish green; tube ca. 1.2--1.5 cm, glabrous; galea falcate apically, inconspicuously navicular, margin long bearded; lower lip ca. 9 mm X 1 cm. 2 filaments pubescent, 2 glabrous. Capsule obliquely ellipsoid-ovoid, slightly compressed, ca. 1.6 cm X 6.5 mm, rarely exceeding calyx, long apiculate. Fl. Jul--Aug, fr. Sep.
* Scrubs, grassy slopes; 3000--4300 m. NW Yunnan.
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