Description from
Flora of China
Larix amabilis J. Nelson, Pinaceae 84. 1866; Abies kaempferi Lindley; Chrysolarix amabilis (J. Nelson) H. E. Moore; Laricopsis kaempferi (Lindley) Kent; Pseudolarix fortunei Mayr; P. kaempferi Gordon; P. pourtetii Ferre.
Trees to 40 m tall; trunk to 3 m d.b.h.; bark gray-brown, rough, scaly, flaking; crown broadly conical; long branchlets initially reddish brown or reddish yellow, glossy, glabrous, becoming yellowish gray, brownish gray, or rarely purplish brown in 2nd or 3rd year, finally gray or dark gray; short branchlets slow growing, bearing dense rings of leaf cushions; winter buds ovoid, scales free at apex. Leaves bluish green adaxially, pale green abaxially, slightly curved or straight, 2-5.5 cm × 1.5-4 mm, slightly keeled adaxially, stomatal lines present on abaxial surface, midvein prominent abaxially, apex acute. Seed cones green or yellow-green, maturing reddish brown, obovoid or ovoid, 5-7.5 × 4-5 cm. Seed scales ovate-lanceo late, 2.8-3.5 × ca. 1.7 cm, with a longitudinal, central, densely pubescent ridge adaxially, base with 2 lateral auricles, apex emarginate. Bracts ovate-lanceolate, 1/4-1/3 as long as seed scales, margin denticulate. Seeds white, ovoid, 6-7 mm; wing light yellow or brownish yellow, glossy adaxially, triangular-lanceolate, circa 2.5 cm. Pollination Apr, seed maturity Oct
A rare species (as a native plant). The wood is used for furniture, boat building, and bridges. An excellent ornamental tree with its attractive crown and golden autumn color.
* Evergreen and deciduous, broad-leaved mixed, forests; 100-1500 m. Native range difficult to discern owing to long history of cultivation but probably the lower Chang Jiang valley: N Fujian, Hunan, N Jiangxi, N Zhejiang; cultivated in S Anhui, W Hubei, S Jiangsu, E Sichuan.