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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Juncaceae | Juncus

11. Juncus nigroviolaceus K. F. Wu, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 32: 448. 1994.

黑紫灯心草 hei zi deng xin cao

Description from Flora of China

Plants annual. Stems terete, distinctly channeled, 1.2--2.4 cm × ca. 0.5 mm. Cataphylls early withered. Basal leaf 1; leaf sheath auricles absent; leaf blade linear, ca. 1.5 cm. Inflorescences terminal, 1-flowered; bracts 2, lanceolate; basal bract leaflike and usually conspicuously longer than flower; other one membranous and shorter than flower. Perianth segments blackish purple, lanceolate, 3--4 mm, subequal, thickly papery, margin inconspicuously scarious, apex somewhat obtuse to acuminate. Stamens 6, ca. 1/2 as long as perianth; filaments ca. 0.6 mm; anthers ca. 1.5 mm. Ovary broadly ovoid. Style 1.9--2.1 mm; stigmas 1.8--3 mm. Fruit not seen. Fl. Jul.

* Glacial moraines by lakes; ca. 4300 m. Xizang.


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