Description from
Flora of China
Saxifraga subsediformis J. T. Pan.
Herbs perennial, 4.5-6.7 cm tall. Stem tawny glandular villous. Cauline leaves absent, but not bracts. Basal leaves aggregated into a rosette, spatulate, ca. 9.5 × 2.3-3.5 mm, adaxially and marginally glandular hairy, apex obtuse. Inflorescence corymbose, 2.5-4.5 cm, 13-15-flowered; bracts linear, 3.1-4.5 × 0.5-0.8 mm, adaxially and marginally glandular villous; pedicels slender, tawny glandular hairy. Sepals reflexed, ovate to elliptic-ovate, 1.9-2 × 1-1.1 mm, abaxially and marginally glandular hairy, veins 3 or 4, not confluent at apex, apex obtuse. Petals yellow, orange spotted at base, suboblong, ca. 4.9 × 2.9 mm, 2-callose near base, 3-veined, base contracted into a claw ca. 0.4 mm, apex subacute. Stamens ca. 3.5 mm. Ovary subsuperior, broadly subellipsoid, ca. 2.3 mm; styles divergent, ca. 1 mm. Fl. Jun-Aug.
* Rock crevices on grassy slopes. NC Sichuan (Li Xian).