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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Brassicaceae | Arabis

13. Arabis tibetica J. D. Hooker & Thomson, J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 5: 143. 1861.

西藏南芥 xi zang nan jie

Description from Flora of China

Arabidopsis tibetica (J. D. Hooker & Thomson) Y. C. Lan & Z. X. An; Arabis clarkei O. E. Schulz; A. multicaulis Pampanini; A. tenuirostris O. E. Schulz; A. thomsonii J. D. Hooker.

Herbs biennial, (4-)10-35(-50) cm tall, sparsely to densely covered basally with a mixture of simple and stalked, forked, stellate, or subdendritic trichomes, sometimes one type predominant, rarely mostly with simple trichomes, often glabrous or glabrescent on distal parts. Stems erect or ascending, few to several from base. Basal leaves rosulate; petiole 0.5-2(-3.5) cm; leaf blade spatulate, obovate, or oblanceolate, 0.5-2.5(-4) cm × 3-10 mm, base cuneate or attenuate, margin dentate or lyrate-dentate, apex obtuse or rounded. Middle cauline leaves shortly petiolate, linear-oblanceolate or oblong-obovate, 0.5-1.5(-2) cm × (1-)2-4 mm, base attenuate, margin entire or dentate. Racemes ebracteate. Fruiting pedicels divaricate or ascending, (2-)4-9(-12) mm, slender, straight. Sepals oblong, 1.5-3 × 0.8-1.3 mm, not saccate. Petals white or rarely pinkish, narrowly oblanceolate, 3-5 × 1-1.5 mm. Filaments 2-3.5 mm; anthers oblong, 0.4-0.7 mm. Ovules 30-60 per ovary. Fruit (2.5-)3.5-6(-7) cm × 1-1.5 mm, attenuate to apex; valves glabrous, torulose, with an obscure midvein; style slender (0.5-)1-3 mm. Seeds brown, oblong, 0.9-1.2 × 0.5-0.7 mm, flattened, uniseriate, wingless or rarely apically with a narrow wing. Fl. May-Jun, fr. Jun-Jul.

Although both FRPS and Fl. Xizang. (2: 370. 1985) recognized "Arabis attenuata" as a good species, that name was never validly published, but was merely listed as a questionable synonym in the protologue of A. tibetica. The same two floras recognized A. tibetica as Arabidopsis tibetica, a position that might indeed prove correct with further studies.

Grassy slopes; 3000-4700 m. Xizang [Afghanistan, Kashmir, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan].


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