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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Brassicaceae | Pseudoarabidopsis

1. Pseudoarabidopsis toxophylla (Marschall von Bieberstein) Al-Shehbaz et al., Novon. 9: 304. 1999.

假鼠耳芥 jia shu er jie

Description from Flora of China

Arabis toxophylla Marschall von Bieberstein, Fl. Taur.-Caucas. 3: 448. 1819-1820; Arabidopsis toxophylla (Marschall von Bieberstein) N. Busch; Sisymbrium toxophyllum (Marschall von Bieberstein) C. A. Meyer; Stenophragma toxophyllum (Marschall von Bieberstein) B. Fedtschenko.

Herbs biennial or perennial, (0.5-)1-4.5(-6.9) cm tall, often with petiolar remains of basal leaves. Stems erect or ascending, simple or few branched at base, pubescent with sessile stellate trichomes, rarely glabrescent distally. Basal leaves rosulate, pubescent as stems; petiole (0.3-)0.8-3.5(-6) cm; leaf blade oblanceolate, spatulate, oblong, or ovate, (0.7-)1-4(-8) × (0.4-)0.8-2(-3) cm, margin entire, dentate, or rarely runcinate, apex acute. Middle cauline leaves narrowly oblong or linear, sessile, 1-5.5(-8) cm × 1-7(-15) mm, base deeply sagittate-amplexicaul or rarely auriculate, margin entire or rarely obscurely denticulate, apex acute; auricles to 10 × 1 mm. Fruiting pedicels slender, glabrous, divaricate to divaricate-ascending, (2.5-)4-10(-15) mm. Sepals oblong, (2-)2.5-3(-3.5) × 0.6-0.9 mm, glabrous or rarely pubescent. Petals white or pink, spatulate, (6-)6.5-8(-9) × (1.5-)2-3 mm; claw distinct. Filaments 2.5-4(-5) mm; anthers narrowly oblong, 0.8-1 mm. Fruit (0.8-)12-2(-2.8) cm × 0.5-0.8 mm, only slightly torulose; gynophore distinct, (0.1-)0.2-0.6(-10) mm; style 0.1-0.4(-0.9) mm. Seeds brown, 50-100 per ovary, oblong or ovoid, 0.4-0.6 × 0.2-0.3 mm. Fl. May-Jun, fr. Jun-Jul. 2n = 12.

Steppe. Xinjiang, Xizang [Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Russia].


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