Description from
Flora of China
Sedum stenostachyum Fröderström, Acta Horti Gothob. 7: 113. 1932; Kungia schoenlandii var. lepidotricha K. T. Fu; Orostachys stenostachya (Fröderström) H. Ohba; Sinocrassula stenostachya (Fröderström) S. H. Fu; S. stenostachya var. integrifolia S. H. Fu; S. stenostachya var. lepidotricha S. H. Fu.
Leaf blade shortly white lepidote, minutely papilliferous, or glabrous, margin entire or coarsely dentate. Fl. Jul, fr. Aug.
The toothed, slightly broader rosette leaves, very short, papillalike hairs, racemelike inflorescence, and shorter petals suggest that this variety might be better placed under Kungia aliciae.
* Valleys and rocks on slopes, rocks near river banks, stone walls; 700-2700 m. S Gansu, Shaanxi.