62. Parnassia davidii Franchet, Bull. Herb. Boissier. ser. 2, 8: 237. 1885.
大卫梅花草 da wei mei hua cao
Description from Flora of China
Stems 2 or 3, ca. 23 cm, with 1 leaf near middle or distally. Basal leaves 4 or 5; petiole 4-6 cm; leaf blade abaxially greenish, adaxially deep green, densely purple-brown punctate, reniform, ovate, or suborbicular, 1.8-2 × 2.2-2.5 cm, base subcordate, subtruncate, truncate, or rarely subcuneate, apex rounded, often apiculate. Cauline leaf sessile, semiamplexicaul, similar to basal ones but smaller, base often with several rusty brown appendages sometimes connate into small lamellae. Flower ca. 2.5 cm in diam.; hypanthium inconspicuous. Sepals adaxially densely purple-brown punctate, oblong, ca. 5 × 3 mm, margin entire, apex rounded. Petals white, densely purple-brown punctate, oblong, ca. 1.4 cm × 6.5 mm, conspicuously 3-veined, base cuneate, margin fimbriate, apex rounded. Anthers oblong, ca. 2.2 mm; filaments ca. 8 mm; staminodes ca. 4.5 mm, 3-7-branched to middle. Ovary superior, depressed globose; style ca. 1.2 mm; stigma 3-lobed, lobes reflexed and persistent after anthesis. Capsule unknown. Fl. Jul-Aug.
* About 1200 m. Sichuan.
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