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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Caryophyllaceae | Gypsophila

17. Gypsophila muralis Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 408. 1753.

细小石头花 xi xiao shi tou hua

Description from Flora of China

Psammophila muralis (Linnaeus) Fourreau; Psammophiliella muralis (Linnaeus) Ikonnikov.

Herbs annual, 5--20 cm tall. Stems branched, proximally puberulous, distally glabrous. Leaves glaucous, linear, 0.5--2.5 cm × 1--2.5 mm, base attenuate, apex obtuse or acute. Dichasium lax; bracts leaflike. Pedicel strict, thin, many times longer than calyx. Calyx obconic-cylindric, 3--4 × 0.5--2.5 mm, lobed for 1/4--1/3 its length; lobes orbicular, apex erose. Petals pink, darker veined, obovate-cuneate, 1.5--2 × as long as calyx, apex erose. Stamens equaling or longer than calyx. Ovary ovoid. Styles short. Capsule suboblong, longer than calyx. Seeds numerous, black, asymmetrically ovoid, 0.3--0.5 mm, striate tuberculate. Fl. May--Oct.

Roadside grasslands, fields, walls. SE Heilongjiang (Xingkai Hu) [Kazakhstan, Russia (Siberia); SW Asia (Caucasus); Europe].


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