Description from
Flora of China
Lychnis cashmeriana Royle ex Bentham in Royle, Ill. Bot. Himal. Mts. 80. 1834; Melandrium cashmerianum (Royle ex Bentham) Walpers; M. dingriense Y. W. Tsui & P. Ke ex L. H. Zhou; M. nyalamense L. H. Zhou.
Herbs perennial, 50--70 cm tall. Stems erect, densely shortly whitish hairy. Basal leaves withering early; cauline leaves sessile, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, 5--7.5 cm × 6--15(--20) mm, both surfaces sparsely villous, ciliate at margin, base cuneate or nearly rounded, apex acute or acuminate. Cymes sparse, few flowered. Pedicel slender, glandular hairy; bracts lanceolate, herbaceous, glandular hairy. Calyx pale green, campanulate, 1--1.7 cm × 7--9 mm; longitudinal veins violet-blue or brown, prominent, cohering at calyx teeth; calyx teeth triangular-ovate, 3--5 mm, abaxially glandular hairy, margin membranous, ciliate, apex acute or acuminate. Androgynophore 2--3 mm, densely villous. Petals exserted 6--8 mm beyond calyx, yellowish green or ?pale green, 1.2--1.5 cm; claws saccate-oblanceolate, villous at base, auricles ovate; limbs broadly ovate, 5--8 mm, bifid; lobes entire or laciniate, with teeth or small lobes on each lateral side; coronal scales round, ca. 1.5 mm, slightly undulate at apex. Stamens included, ca. 1 cm; filaments glabrous. Styles (4 or)5, ca. 3 mm. Capsule not seen. Fl. Jul--Aug.
The type has not been seen by the present authors.
Grasslands, scrub; 3400--4100 m. S Xizang [Kashmir].