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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Caryophyllaceae | Silene

106. Silene principis Oxelman & Lidén, Novon. 11: 323. 2001.

宽瓣蝇子草 kuan ban ying zi cao

Description from Flora of China

Silene platypetala Bureau & Franchet, J. Bot. (Morot) 5: 22. 1891, not Otth (1824); Melandrium platypetalum F. N. Williams.

Herbs perennial. Roots clustered, cylindric. Stems diffuse, supine, slender, 40--60 cm, multibranched, shortly retrorsely pubescent. Leaves linear or ligulate, 1--3(--4) cm × 1.5--3(--4) mm, abaxially pubescent at veins, adaxially coarse, margin ciliate, midvein prominent, base cuneate, apex acuminate. Dichasial cymes diffuse, few flowered; flowers erect, ca. 2 cm in diam. Pedicel 1--3 cm, pubescent; bracts lanceolate, herbaceous, densely pubescent. Calyx campanulate, 1--1.3 cm × ca. 3.5 mm, densely pubescent; calyx teeth triangular-ovate. Androgynophore 3--4 mm. Petals white, rarely pale pink; claws included or slightly exserted beyond calyx, oblanceolate, glabrous, broadly triangular above; limbs obcordate, 6--8 × 5--6 mm; coronal scales narrowly elliptic, apex obtuse. Stamens slightly exserted; filaments glabrous; anthers dark violet. Styles slightly exserted beyond calyx. Capsule ovoid, ca. 8 mm, shorter than calyx. Seeds dark brown, reniform, ca. 1 mm. Fl. Jun--Aug, fr. Aug--Sep.

Wilson 3751a (K) has smaller petal limbs and fasciculate leaves.

* Scrub grasslands; 1600--4000 m. W Sichuan.


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